by Jenny Beverley | Jun 12, 2018 | Wills
Much of our information is now stored online, or in the cloud. If you have ‘opted to go paperless’, you could be saving paper, but you may be creating problems for your loved ones if you die. Will your executors or loved ones know how to find out what...
by Jenny Beverley | May 15, 2018 | Wills
Families who are incorrectly making homemade wills could be disinheriting their children. ‘Do-It-Yourself’ kits have grown in popularity over recent years, because of the reduced cost. Tempted by the price of just £20 in some cases, an increasing number of people are...
by Jenny Beverley | Apr 13, 2018 | Wills
Everyone is currently entitled to pass on £325,000 of wealth tax free to anyone they like, regardless of whether or not they own a property. Anything above this is taxed at 40%. Married or civil partners can transfer all assets free of tax between each other, and one...
by Jenny Beverley | Mar 13, 2018 | Blog
Few of us want to think about when we are no longer here. However, more and more people are now coming to realise that planning – and paying for – their funeral arrangements in advance is a huge help to their family and will also save costs. In 2017 the average...
by Jenny Beverley | Feb 12, 2018 | Powers of attorney
Are you a business owner or company director? Who would manage your business if you suddenly couldn’t? Have you appointed anybody to act as your attorney if you are incapacitated? Not simply is there someone capable of acting on your behalf, but have you prepared a...