How can you show your loved ones you really care this Christmas?

Christmas is a seen as a time for family gatherings, a time to buy gifts and show your love and gratitude to those you love. So if you’ve discounted getting Three French Hens or Five Gold Rings, what are the most important things you can do for your family?  How do you show that you love them and you care, and you are thinking about their future?

Make a Will 

This is far more useful than a partridge in a pair tree. What happens if you die? At such an emotional time, wouldn’t you prefer to make it easy, quick and fair for your loved ones?  A properly made Will can achieve this.


In your will, if you have children under 18, you have the chance to say who gets to look after your children if you die.  It can be family or friends.  If you haven’t done this, it’s a decision to be made by the courts and social services and not simply your family deciding for you.  You also choose who looks after property and inheritance for your children which is held in a trust fund until they are adults.


You may be as happy as Two Turtle Doves, but if you have re-married, or you die and your spouse re-marries, your children may not inherit anything.  Who will inherit what and who could miss out altogether?  Don’t guess at what will happen, ask a legal specialist.

It’s all a bit complicated

If you don’t know what to do for the best, speak with a legal specialist.  You can explain your own situation, and get proper advice.  I can explain your options and the consequences of what you do (or don’t do).  It’s probably not as complicated as you think, and ignoring it won’t make it any easier.

What if you have divisions in your family?

Your family may not get along like the Ladies Dancing or the Lords-a-Leaping. Maybe there is someone in your family you are no longer in touch with?  How would you feel if that person were to suddenly inherit from you, or have to deal with your affairs, and family members they no longer get along with? With a correctly worded Will, you can exclude someone and make sure you pass your inheritance only to those you want.

What if you don’t have family? 

You can leave some or all of your assets to friends or charity – you can choose whoever you would like to benefit from your estate.  If you don’t make a will, there are rules in place for your wider family members to inherit, or if there is no family, your estate may pass to the government.  Why not choose friends or a charity instead and leave a legacy after you are gone?

Let this be a season of good joy, and family harmony.  Why not do something really special for your family and loved ones this year?  Book an appointment to make a Will!

Don’t be afraid to talk about making a will or what happens after you’re gone – it could be one of the most important things you do for your family and friends!