Can you exclude someone from your Will?

Can you exclude someone from your Will?

In the UK you can make a will leaving what you like to who you like.  That means you can also exclude people who would normally expect to inherit from you. Can they still claim against your estate? Someone may believe they have been unfairly left out of a Will,...
Have you chosen the right executor?

Have you chosen the right executor?

What is an executor? In your Will, you must name the people you wish to appoint as ‘executors’.  Executors are the people who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes and for sorting out your estate when you die.  They will need to apply...
Who will be guardians for my children?

Who will be guardians for my children?

Are you risking your children’s future by doing nothing? In your Will, you can nominate someone to be a legal guardian for your children, just in case the worst happens and you die before they reach 18. Not sure who to choose?  If you haven’t made a will, or have...
What happens if you separate or divorce?

What happens if you separate or divorce?

Separation If you have an existing Will which names your partner or spouse as beneficiary to inherit all (or some) of your assets, then this will still happen, even if you have legally separated and have made a separation settlement of finances.  This can include...