by Jenny Beverley | Jan 17, 2018 | Blog
Once you sign your Wills, most people give a sigh of relief that ‘everything is now sorted’. However, outdated legal documents can cause havoc on your family wealth and personal representatives. A recent consumer survey* found that 86% of respondents who had Wills and...
by Jenny Beverley | Dec 15, 2017 | Wills
How can you show your loved ones you really care this Christmas? Christmas is a seen as a time for family gatherings, a time to buy gifts and show your love and gratitude to those you love. So if you’ve discounted getting Three French Hens or Five Gold Rings, what are...
by Jenny Beverley | Nov 14, 2017 | Probate
The 7-year rule only applies to liability for Inheritance Tax (IHT). If your total estate at death is valued at more than the Nil Rate Band (NRB)*, there will be Inheritance Tax (IHT) of 40% due on the remaining amount. Can you give away your money before you die?...
by Jenny Beverley | Oct 12, 2017 | Powers of attorney
Prior to 2007, many people prepared an Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) which nominates an Attorney of your choosing, and who you trust, to act on your behalf, if you were unable to manage your own affairs, for example – if you have dementia. Would the attorneys...
by Jenny Beverley | Sep 13, 2017 | Wills
Many people don’t realise that when they get married, any previous will they’d made before now becomes invalid. So it’s really important to make a new one, especially if it’s a 2nd marriage. The family situation may be a little more complicated, so it’s a good idea to...