by Jenny Beverley | May 9, 2016 | Wills
None of us plan to die and leave young children, but it does occasionally happen. That’s upsetting and disrupting enough, without adding financial burdens due to lack of planning. If parents die before their children are grown up, then it’s not up to the family...
by Jenny Beverley | May 5, 2016 | Wills
Are you co-habiting or about to move in with your partner? Do you know your legal rights (or lack of)? Many people believe there is a ‘common law’ which gives some legal rights to people after they have been living together for a certain length of time – but this is...
by Jenny Beverley | May 4, 2016 | Blog
The cost of an average UK funeral is steadily rising far in excess of inflation, and this trend looks set to continue in the future. If you are setting money aside in a savings account or savings plan, it will be pretty impossible to match the cost of funeral...
by Jenny Beverley | Apr 14, 2016 | Wills
Are you, or have you been, in the Armed Forces? If so, did you know that you may already have a valid Will which you are not aware of, and it may even remain valid when you leave the forces? Members of the armed forces are usually asked to simply write out their...
by Jenny Beverley | Apr 8, 2016 | Wills
Do you want to pass your property on to your children after you die? The way you write your Will may mean this doesn’t happen. Many people make a Will leaving everything to their partner/husband/wife, and then to their children. Your Will states that your property and...